Ein Dose

Experimental alchemist, primal researcher, shop owner, and lover of aetheric anomalies


One would expect a Duskwight raised in Ul'Dah to have some story behind them, so it's slightly curious that Ein doesn't. Enrolling in the Thaumaturges' Guild at a young age (for an elezen), she proved a capable and enthusiastic student, although for the most part a quiet one, largely blending into the background of the Guild.This changed in the years following the Calamity. While the rest of the guild were justifiably preoccupied with voidsent, Ein became fascinated with the actual figure that changed the very world around them--Bahamut. How such a creature could even have existed, and what made him so powerful. It was Ifrit's resurgence after she had grown into adulthood that made this difference in priorities untenable. This figure, burning just as hot as the Dreadwyrm had before, was summoned right on the dooorstep of Ul'Dah, and the Thaumaturges' Guild wished to do... nothing. The row that broke out became as confusing to onlookers as it was infuriating to participants, and it's still not entirely clear whether Ein resigned or was expelled.Regardless, she began travelling. Alchemy, once just a hobby to her, became a primary form of income as she walked Eorzea, learning about more of these primals that had been appearing once again across not just her homeland, but the rest of her world. Her unbridled dedication to the subject over time led to her becoming one of the foremost experts on the subject, willing to delve deeper into and speak further on the subject than any other... although that same reputation made her something of a pariah, branded a fanatic, or perhaps even tempered by one of the primals she had surely crossed paths with by now (although people disagree about which).While her primal expertise eventually brought her favor among the Grand Companies and some academic organizations as she helped them with understanding and preparing against those terrifying foes, this wasn't enough to make a living on, and the distrust among the public led her alchemy into shadier, more 'back-alley' pursuits and clientele. Her pariah status was so extreme, in fact, that nobody's quite sure where or when she learned summoning or red magic.Eventually, though, she found people who accepted her. Various chance meetings and emergency medical incidents in her travels proved her to be a valuable and friendly ally to people willing to look past her strange history (or who never knew it in the first place), in particular finding a lot of respect among Ishgard for her alchemical work during the restoration of the Firmament. It was during this time that she also met Freyja, the viera woman she would eventually marry.Ein owns a small store in the Goblet. Tomes and Tinctures, befitting of its name, is a combination bookstore and apothecary; the apothecary specializes in beauty products and more niche concoctions, while the book selection has a healthy selection of books on regional mythology, medicines, magic, and cultural practices.Developments regarding the Telophoroi and Lunar Primals led to her briefly working with the Scions of the Seventh Dawn, her expertise in primals appearing useful for understanding and combatting the new threat, with her personal focus tied up in the presence of Lunar Odin. (She's still a little annoyed that the tower situation was resolved without her help.) These days, the end of the 'primal crisis' has led to that side of her life and experise needing to find new outlets, which she's resolved by taking more of a historical and conceptual view of the problem: what primals were or could be, rather than currently are.


Your character may have already met Ein if:

  • They've been involved in any 'official' academic group over the last few years. She's met with all of them, and worked with some of them.

  • You've been involved with anti-primal operations with any of the Grand Companies.

  • You've had recent dealings with the Scions of the Seventh Dawn (circa 5.5 or so), who she was been aiding in efforts against the Telophoroi and Lunar Primals.

  • Your character is, or has been, in the market for grey-market alchemy.

Your character may have heard of, but not met Ein, if:

  • If your character is aware of Ul'Dahn businesses, she's known to be an alchemist with her own store, Tomes and Tinctures. It's something of an open secret that she works with less 'proven' potions (not illegal, just shady), although her friendship with the Flames keeps her from being investigated for it. The store itself can be found in the Goblet, Ward 19, Plot 40.

  • They themselves are interested in primals; she's known as an expert on the subject and has spoken on most that are known to the world at large. She's published a book on Alexander, detailing both the events surrounding its summoning, and a study on how it functioned (or at least, should function) both aetherically and technologically, as well as a separate book on how primals in general function.

  • On the other hand, if your character listens to... less factual rumors, she's got a dour reputation among people who are much more reactionary about primals.

  • If your character is aware of Summoners (the job, that is) or perhaps one themselves, she's known to be one, although any more about her abilities with it is a mystery.

  • Your character knows about recent airship movements. She's listed as a crew member of a refitted, medium-sized Imperial airship.

Your character has not learned about these facts, but you might be nosy!

Out-Of-Character Stuff

Hello! Just some quick ground details if you feel you need them. You don't if you just want to talk, though; come say hi!

  • Fair warning, I live in Australia! While I am active, that can mean I'm not always online at the same times as the majority of the RP community.

  • I don't really keep to a specific tone or style of RP. Ein herself is generally serious but only rarely prone to actual dark themes; however, I'm happy to roll with most anything.

  • Ein is married to Freyja Eversong!

  • I myself generally keep to what's actually in the game's setting and lore. That said, there's plenty of room to be creative inside that, and I'm always happy to bend that or see others bending that, even if Ein herself may not really like being proven wrong!

  • Ein doesn't like Garleans (both the empire and the race); I'm fine with them, and she can be proven wrong, but someone playing such a character should be known, it'll be an uphill battle.

  • Ein similarly doesn't like voidsent; again, just saying so that people who play that sort of character know they're in for resistance.

  • *I make FFXIV lore and story videos under the name Cleretic! You might've incidentally seen those, and Ein's frequent appearances in them.

  • If you're unsure about literally anything here, just ask! I'm always really happy to talk!

Hooks Your Character Doesn't Know

These are things about Ein that your character has no way of knowing about her without her either saying them or showing them, but you as a player might be interested in knowing!

  • Her family was 'Warriors of Light'-ed at Cartenau, disappearing from everyone's memory, when she was a teenager. This is why her past is such a mystery: nobody can remember the people primarily around and responsible for it.

  • Being a self-taught summoner, she's got atypical summons! Her Egis are Odin, Bismarck and Lakshmi, with Alexander and Cruise Chaser in place of Bahamut and Phoenix. (I don't have mods for these, please use your imagination.)